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Load and convert dataset RCV1-v2 to csv file

  • RCV1-v2 dataset is described at RCV1-v2 info
  • Because it is required signing Agreement to obtain data, this repo contains no data. Personally, it only took me 1 day to be granted access to the data.
  • Unfortunately, the downloaded file is neither in handy format, nor there are obvious ways to extract desirable info from it, while all I expect is a csv file contains something likes ID, text, labels. As a result, this script serves that intent.

Basically, just run:

python path_to_dir

where path_to_dir is the absolute path to the directory containing file rcv1.tar.xz. It would output 2 csv files at path_to_dir:

  • rcv1_v2.csv: your main interested data
  • rcv1_v2_topics_desc.csv: description about topics

The content in column text are raw text in xml format. It can be parsed easily with xml.etree.ElementTree.XML(text)