
Results 21 comments of Ducky

It should definitely be possible to create a repo per d3 submodule. But it may require a good amount of work to be done. **Generating UMD compatible JS file:** By...

@retrogradeorbit, could you try what you did, with a scenario where all the changes are happening inside a component. For example, the following bit of code works perfectly fine for...

@retrogradeorbit, ah. I see what you mean. Good catch. So it looks like cursors are lazy in sense that they only update when deref'ed. Either that is a bug or...

@retrogradeorbit, you may want to use `(not (identical? ...` instead of `(not=...` in your code.

@aadrian, just FYI, have you have considered using the bundled [](

@Frozenlock, its actually pretty straight forward to get the actual dom element as @gaearon mentions. I'll post a very simple example of this in reagent.

This example illustrates how to avoid using React's `findDOMNode`: ``` clojure (defn hello-component [] (let [dom-node (atom nil)] (reagent/create-class {:component-did-mount (fn [x] (js/console.log @dom-node)) :reagent-render (fn [x] [:h2 {:ref (fn...

@Frozenlock, Regarding `ref`: > React supports a special attribute that you can attach to any component. The ref attribute can be a callback function, and this callback will be executed...

@Frozenlock, that's true. I didn't realise that. I'll fix my example