frowny.el copied to clipboard
Insert frownies in Emacs :(
#+TITLE: Frowny.el
/For alphapapa, so he can insert frownies with electric-pair-mode./
This package ships `frowny-mode', which enables inserting a single "(" when after a ":" -- meaning it'll insert :( without closing the parentheses for modes like =electric-pair-mode=, =paredit-mode=, and others.
- Version 0.3
2021-11-07: Add =frowny-inhibit-modes=, so I can toggle =hide-details-mode= in dired.
- Version 0.2
Version 0.2, /now with smileys/! Yes, if you're one of those happy-go-lucky people who just /has/ to smile all the time, frowny.el is now for you as well. Go nuts, ya filthy animal.
- Installation
I use [[][straight.el]], which looks like this:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (straight-use-package '(frowny :host github :repo "duckwork/frowny.el")) #+end_src
You might need a different form.
- Use
Simple as adding it to whatever modes you don't want to always insert electric pairs, e.g.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-hook 'erc-mode-hook #'frowny-mode) #+end_src
Or you can enable =global-frowny-mode=, which enables frowny in every buffer. If you want to enable =global-frowny-mode= but only for some modes, customize =frowny-modes=.
- Customization
There are a (growing?) number of customization options available for =frowny-mode=:
=frowny-eyes= :: the regex to look for when seeing if =(= is completing a frowny. Default: =\(?::-\|[:=]\)=, which captures frownies like =:(=, =:-(=, and ==(=. I'd recommend replacing it with an =rx= form, like this:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq frowny-eyes (rx (or ":" ":-" "=" ":'-"))) #+end_src
=frowny-eyes-looking-back-limit= :: =frowny= uses =looking-back= to determine whether the =(= you type is part of a frowny. Emacs's manual recommends limiting the number of characters =looking-back= searches for performance reasons, so I recommend setting this number to the maximum length of the strings you have as options in =frowny-eyes=. As such, the default is 2.
=frowny-modes= :: When enabling =global-frowny-mode=, you might not want frowny to apply to every buffer. Add modes to this list to only apply frowny to them. By default, frowny applies to every mode.
=frowny-inhibit-modes= :: A list of modes in which to /inhibit/ frowny mode. By default, only =special-mode= is inhibited. I also add =dired-mode= in my configuration.
Of course, you can always customize these options using Emacs's Customize functionality.
- Still to do
- I should probably make =frowny-modes= more ... complex, and allow specifying modes /not/ to apply frowny to.
- I could do a =frowny-prog-mode= that checks whether the point is in a comment or not, and frowny accordingly.