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StackOverflow: make links to answers and user profiles use https
- All Q&A sites in the stack exchange network support https
- Requests to their the http counterparts return 301 "Moved Permanently" redirecting browsers to the https versions
- The https versions of all this sites except serve a
strict-transport-security: max-age=15552000
header (180 days if I'm not mistaken) - serves a
strict-transport-security: max-age=86400
header (1 day if I'm not mistaken) - A couple of months ago stack exchange performed an automatic search and replace to change all links internal to the stack exchange network from http to https. Example:
In my opinion this is enough ground to change links to the stack exchange Q&A sites in the instant answers from http to https
I can't seam to find the code responsible for generating the url used in the title and in the "More at Stack Overflow" link. Is this code not on github?
@abenkovskii Hey! Sorry, this code is managed internally and is in bad need of an update. I will pass your comments onto the team!