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Azure extension for DuckDB
While playing with the [uc_catalog]( and [delta]( extensions I encountered an error while trying to read from an ADLS gen2 account using the abfss syntax in this format: `abfss://[email protected]/path`. This...
Azure file connection format parsing issue. I have a following usecase. Writing iceberg format using Spark and Nessie using iceberg rest protocol. Nessie supports azure file access format with @...
i downloaded latest azure extension code and trying to attach to .db file using duckdb cli and .db file is placed over azure blob storage. While attaching i am getting...
It shouldn't be mandatory to specify the AccountName in the [azure connection string]( ``` auto storage_account_name_pos = connection_string.find("AccountName="); if (storage_account_name_pos == std::string::npos) { throw InvalidInputException("A invalid connection string has been...
I am trying to optimize a query and noticed that the HTTP stats in `EXPLAIN ANALYZE` statements seem to be off. I query one Parquet file with 10.79 GiB and...
I tried to mount Azure blob storage as a file system in order to read one specific file from AzureBlobStorage. I used another extension, "spatial," which can read and open...
### What happens? When querying for multiple files az://*.json an exception is raised: `duckdb.duckdb.IOException: IO Error: AzureStorageFileSystem Read to az://*.json failed with NoAuthenticationInformation Reason Phrase: Server failed to authenticate the...
I am running -for the fun of it- duckdb directly on Azure Databricks. My ultimate goal is to pitch duckdb against Databricks Photon, to see if it can compete with...
Below is the reference error. Is there any way to read delta table present in ADLS gen2 using duckdb by connecting via SAS token? `--------------------------------------------------------------------------- InvalidInputException Traceback (most recent call...
I noticed some unexpected behavior when using [globbing]( on an ADLSGen2 (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2; Azure Storage Account). ADLSGen2 supports [blob]( and [dfs]( endpoint. According to [documentation](, globbing should...