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DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System

Results 415 duckdb issues
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This is part of my efforts to improve the exceptions being thrown from the Python API - I still have to replace all the locations where `std::runtime_error` is being thrown...

This PR takes the first step in addressing issue #4275 Previously the regular (not GROUP BY) case was being handled by the `physical_hash_aggregate` operator through a special "hack". Now this...

hi there, I love duckdb its awesome!!! Is there a way to add multiple S3 access keys in the httpfs extension to support pulling data from multiple buckets/s3 environments? Thanks!

I don't see wheels for PyPy on pypi, for windows, so I suppose it's maybe not yet compatible ?

I'm mainly creating this issue to keep track of where we are in the substrait TPC- Support. There are 2 main goals here, 1) Roundtripping Queries in DuckDB (i.e., Producing...

PR to improve the join order optimizer. Some queries in TPCH, TPCDS, and JOB will have worse performance, but that's because the previous optimizer was lucky and selected great plans....

### What happens? hive partition works as expected when you use the where clause with equality in my case I partitioned the table lineitem using l_shipmode when I run the...

## Out-of-Core Hash Join This PR adds out-of-core functionality to our hash join, allowing it to join more data than fits in memory. Optimizations to this functionality will be done...

See #4308 We should support the `UNION BY NAME` operator to union together tables with re-ordered and potentially new columns. This operator is useful for unifying data from an evolving...

good first issue