Beware all deps must be pinned to a specific version. Note that boost version requirement is incompatible between the binaries provided by `apt` `robotpkg` repository and the one deployed by...
The point is to avoid copy when wrapping temporaries, which typically happens the case when parsing log files [here]( and wrapping some methods. Consider using `boost::python::numpy` instead raw C-Python API...
MurmurHash is great but x10 performance improvement can be expected by replacing it by [xxHash]( instead.
We should get rid of `use_theoretical_model` everywhere to make everything more simple. The user would be responsible for converting the state for flexible to rigid or the other way around...
Currently, the contact force is modelled using a spring-dumper mechanism. Using infinite stiffness without dumping for the ground reaction force should, **in theory**, replicate a perfectly rigid impact model. However,...
It would use phenomenological spring-damper mechanism for the vertical forces, and analytical constraints for the friction forces (both torsional and translational).
Currently, a euclidean linear interpolation is used systematically for all sensors. The proper lie algebra interpolation method should be used (typically it makes sure that quaternion data is properly normalized)....
This constraint should enable gathering constraints applied on frames sharing the same parent joint as a single one. This would not only allow to avoid redundant computation for the Jacobian,...
Transmissions, motors and even sensors may have some dynamic state that should be aggregated. Typically, the current-voltage regulation loop of DC motors, or the generic n-to-m transmissions. As such, it...