it is `pncModel_` not `model`. Similar to python.
yes, there is no shared memory for them. since nobody wants to access the state of all the transmissions at once. It is only the case for the motors and...
Yes, not to mention custom, more advanced transmissions for which is it hard to predict what the parameters could be. Why not some backlash parameters for instance.
> one is Structure with the parameters of the motor and public and the other Dictionary with the parameters of the motor protected Dictionary are convenient but manipulating them is...
> maybe you can explain me quickly what do you mean exactly with this "copy on purpose". The point is to write "copy on purpose" when you do a copy...
You can have a look at the definition of `result_converter`. It is used to decide how to handle eigen arrays returned by C++ to Python. If it is false, it...
> why you think we shouold q and v in this case? I thought the simple transmission is just a basic reduction ratio that is state independent Yes indeed, but...
It is expected. it should be `model` not `data`.
I was think, and there is still an issue with the API of the transmission. It is not possible to define a transmission only by its transform matrix (jacobian) because...
After doing the math, I realized you should remove the acceleration from motor state, and from transmission forward/backward. It is more tricky to handle acceleration (it requires any additional user...