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Define MVP for release
Define what the minimum viable product looks like to release. Once released a standard release cycle will be followed.
[x] Facing Operation
[x] Profliling Operation
[x] Parting Operation
[ ] Full test coverage for all core classes and operations
[ ] Detailed examples of how to use the defined operations
[ ] Documentation completed for the defined operations and all base classes
[ ] Integrators documentation complete to aid understanding LibLathe and implementing LibLathe
Acceptance criteria:
- [ ] All critial issues resolved for the selected operations
- [ ] Library is able to correctly determin part geometry and stock suitability (part geomery is complete [no gaps] and contained within the defined stock)
- [ ] Library is able to generate a tool definition for common insert shapes (C and D) plus parting tools and fail elegantly when the tool is not valid or is unsupported
- [ ] Library correctly adapts paths to suit the limitations of the defined tool
- [ ] Library is able to handle left cutting and right cutting based on the defined tool
- [ ] Library is able to create operations, generate and return valid GCode for the defined operations
- [ ] Library is able to elegantly handle failed operations through incorrect parameters or invalid geometry
- [ ] Library is able to return gcode using constant suface speed when selected as a parameter
- [ ] Library should be able to determin if an operation is not possible with the selected tool and provide a warning.