Marc Hanisch

Results 13 comments of Marc Hanisch

One little sidenote: it would be nice to use tb also the Unix way. Example: To delete all tasks which are checked and contain the word 'implemented': tb -d `tb...

> I have set these options on my Konsole terminal on ArchLinux using Tmux & NeoVIM so that it can have the correct background. > > `tmux.conf` > > ```...

A better solution is to tell DelimitMate that it should only close `(`, `[` and `{` in html files: `au FileType html let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:}"` This works perfect for...

Thanks for reverting :-) Why not make the `url` param optional? If provided, it must not be empty, but if it is not provided, just the `baseUrl` is used...

Thanks @patstockwell, sorry for the late response. For standard HTML attributes it looks fine, but for "non-standard" attributes used with Vue (eg. something like `:value="foo"`) it still looks the same....

Hi @pkulchenko thanks for the fast reply :-) When I use "Run", the IDE window lost its focus, gets the focus again and the program stops without errors. So "something"...

But does `typescript-language-server` then still works for TypeScript files in the same project?

I guess there is still no solution? Which Vim client are you using for Tabnine in 2023? (although deoplete-tabnine really works great!)

Sorry for not reporting back. @mattn your solution disables `typescript-language-server` for the whole project. I want to disable it *just* for `vue` files. Both language servers, `vls` and `typescript-language-server` are...

Same error here with `nuxt-edge`, `@nuxt/bridge` and `@nuxtjs/pwa` and `static` as deployment target.