AWSRetriever copied to clipboard
Lists all resources in a AWS account
Lists all resources in a AWS account.
Supports over 390 APIs from over 70 services, all regions
Objects saved in JSON format
Define and save profiles for specific service queries
Runs a single operation
CLI Support
AWSRetriever scans sets of predefined AWS
APIs, saved in "profile" files.
Profiles are json
based files, holding a (potentially) very long list of operations to run. AWSRetriever is shipped with a default.profile.js
, that holds a generic wide-variety of calls.
The profile is scanned when choosing "Full Scan" from the side-bar menu, or using the command-line parameter -p
(combined with -r
Profiles can be saved & loaded. The default profile loaded is defined in the configuration file.
A typical use-case is to define and test profiles for various AWS resources views and then use the CLI to periodically retrieve the items from AWS.
Command-line interface
To export all items provided in my ec2.profile.js
, and save them in object.json
, use the following switches:
>AWSRetriever.exe -r -p ec2.profile.js -o objects.json
AWS Retriever
Using profile: 'ec2.profile.js'
Writing to 'objects.json'
Queueing from 'default' profile...1825 operations queued.
To export all items to myobjects.json
using the default profile and settings:
>AWSRetriever.exe -r -o myobjects.json
AWS Retriever
Using profile: 'default.profile.js'
Writing to 'myobjects.json'
Queueing from 'default' profile...1825 operations queued.
EC2 DescribeInternetGateways ap-northeast-1: 1 items retrieved
EC2 DescribeInternetGateways ap-south-1: 1 items retrieved
EC2 DescribeInternetGateways ap-northeast-2: 1 items retrieved
EC2 DescribeInternetGateways ca-central-1: 1 items retrieved
The resulting myobjects.json
file, holds a JSON array with the following structure:
// the type of the object listed:
"Type": "InternetGateway",
// the service it was retrieved from:
"Service": "EC2",
// the region:
"Region": "ap-northeast-2",
//the object itself, will change according to the object:
"Source": {
"Attachments": [
"State": {
"Value": "available"
"VpcId": "vpc-e2e9f18a"
"InternetGatewayId": "igw-0562ad6d",
"OwnerId": "000000000000",
"Tags": []
// more objects...
Profile Record
Each profile record holds:
// AWS service to execute
"ServiceName": "EC2",
// Specific API to execute:
"Name": "DescribeInternetGateways",
// A list of regions to call:
"Regions": "ap-northeast-1 ap-northeast-2 ap-south-1 ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 ca-central-1 eu-central-1 eu-north-1 eu-west-1 eu-west-2 eu-west-3 sa-east-1 us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2",
// if false, this API is skipped
"Enabled": true,
// if this API supports paging, this value will be the page size for each request.
"PageSize": 18
Download & Run
Download the latest for Windows or Linux.
- Requires
- Create a folder
- Unzip to folder.
- Run
Linux / Ubuntu
Make sure mono is installed:
sudo apt-get install mono-runtime
mkdir awsretriver
cd awsretriver
mono AWSRetriver.exe