canon-cs100 copied to clipboard
Chroot Debian on a canon cs100
Chroot Debian on a canon cs100
CAUTION: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, we didn't take any r esponsibility about this procedure. It is given as is.
(this document is based on the firmware 2.5.2)
To prepare the chroot you need a debian/ubuntu computer, an external 2.5" disk adaptor...
- You need to enable the telnet access to your cs100:
-Take off the disk from the device and connect it to a linux computer
-Mount first partition and look for /etc/rc.d/rcS, around line 200 you should find something like "allow_telnet=no", change it to "allow_telnet=yes".
-Put it back to your cs100 and start the station
- On the debian/ubuntu computer:
apt-get install debootstrap
cd ~
mkdir debian-wheezy
debootstrap --arch mipsel --foreign wheezy ~/debian-wheezy
- Now you need to transfer the directory to the cs100, here you have (at least) two options:
- Copy files from your debian/ubuntu to the cs100 disk using the adapter...
- On the cs100, connect trhough telnet, find the device IP, start netcat:
cd /home
nc -l -p 1234 > debian-wheezy.tar.gz
- On the Debian/Ubuntu computer:
tar czvf ~/debian-wheezy.tar.gz ~/debian-wheezy
nc -w 3 [cs100 IP] 1234 < debian-wheezy.tar.gz
- Once the file is transfered, on the cs100:
tar xzvf debian-wheezy.tar.gz
mount -t proc debian-wheezy/proc
cp /etc/resolv.conf debian-wheezy/etc
cp /etc/hosts debian-wheezy/etc
chroot debian-wheezy
debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
apt-get update && apt-get install openssh-server
# <and other services you want to install>
#add root password
- You can use the to automount/start the chrooted debian (I assumed installation of nfs-kernel-server and samba), add/edit services you need (Also I attached the kernel modules to install/use nfsd):
# mount needed directories for chroot environment
mount -t proc proc $CHR/proc
mount -t sysfs none $CHR/sys
mount --bind /dev $CHR/dev
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $CHR/dev/shm
mount -t devpts /dev/pts $CHR/dev/pts
mkdir -p $CHR/lib/modules/
mount --bind /lib/modules/ $CHR/lib/modules/
mount --bind /home/opt $CHR/home
chroot $CHR service ssh start
chroot $CHR service <another service> start