David Tonhofer

Results 62 issues of David Tonhofer

Thank you for the excellent program (but why mix politics about the Ukrainian civil war into it?) Problem: If we download the tarball `pdfsam-basic-4.3.1.jar` and it install the content under...

``` ?- type_error(_,_). ERROR: Type error: `_5508' contains attributed variables ERROR: In: ERROR: [11] throw(error(type_error(_5562,_5564),_5558)) ERROR: [9] toplevel_call(user:user: ...) at /usr/local/logic/swipl/lib/swipl/boot/toplevel.pl:1115 ERROR: ERROR: Note: some frames are missing due to...

The man page for `swipl` says: ``` --home=DIR Use DIR as home directory. ``` This is not very telling unless one already knows that the "home directory" is the directory...

A possible extension of load_test_files/1: It has the exact same functionality as the current [load_test_files/1](https://eu.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc/_SWI_/library/plunit.pl?show=src#load_test_files/1) but additionally instantiates a list of compound terms `loaded(File)` and `skipped(File)` to be able to...

More documentation updates (i'm working through my notes here) In **4.1.3 Predicate behaviour and determinism** - Extended the list of indicators according to "pldoc" (also, put them into a "table")...

Suppose we have: ``` ?- set_prolog_flag(answer_write_options,[quoted(true),portray(true),max_depth(10),attributes(portray)]). true. ``` Then a longish list gets elided at depth 10: ``` ?- length(L,200). L = [_15876,_15882,_15888,_15894,_15900,_15906,_15912,_15918,_15924|...]. ``` Then we prepend `max_depth(100)` top the...

We find: ``` ?- type_error(X,X). ERROR: Arithmetic: `evaluable' is not a function ERROR: In: ERROR: [11] throw(error(type_error(_4822,_4824),_4818)) ERROR: [9] toplevel_call(user:user: ...) at /usr/local/logic/swipl/lib/swipl/boot/toplevel.pl:1113 ERROR: ERROR: Note: some frames are missing...

[`number_string/2`](https://eu.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?predicate=number_string/2) is evidently made to accept strings (on second position) but should probably also accept atoms. This does not currently happen. Additionally, the thrown exception is confusing (it says it...

Still playing with dicts. A simple test: print the values of three keys from a dict (the `alfa/1` and `bravo/1` predicates have been consulted from a file) Do not forget...

We find by grepping for `ERROR`: ``` ERROR: swipl-devel_original/src/Tests/core/test_coroutining.pl:50: ERROR: module/2: No permission to redefine module `plunit_coroutining' (Already loaded from swipl-devel_original/src/Tests/core/te....pl) ERROR: swipl-devel_original/src/Tests/core/test_coroutining.pl:62: ERROR: PL-Unit: cannot close unit coroutining: no...