Looking at the tables @DougBurke just put up, it looks like the requirements for ```chi2xspecvar``` is to be similar to ```chi2datavar``` except when ```src``` and ```bgnd``` are both 0 in...
Updating ```class Chi2DataVar(Chi2)``` will not be easy, but not impossible. Currently, ```Chi2DataVar``` inherits the method ```calc_stat``` from the base class ```Chi2``` which (I think) does not pass in the background...
It turns out that this is a lot more work then I had realized. Currently, the method ```calc_staterror``` is only passed the numpy array instead of the _"raw" data_ as...
The class ```DataPHA``` has a method call ```get_staterror(self, filter=False, staterrfunc=None)``` So for this test, ```DataPHA.get_staterror``` is called with ```staterrfunc= Chi2DataVar.calc_staterror```; However, within the ```DataPHA.get_staterror``` is see the following: ``` #...
``` /anaconda3/envs/ciao-4.13/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pycrates/io/dm_backend.py in __load_data(self, obj, input, nsets, colname, block) ``` crates backend