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Node.js client wrapper for the Piston API

Piston Node Client

A Node.js client wrapper for the Piston API.

Piston is a high performance general purpose code execution engine. It excels at running untrusted and possibly malicious code without fear from any harmful effects.


npm install piston-client

Usage Example

import piston from "piston-client";

(async () => {

    const client = piston({ server: "" });
    const runtimes = await client.runtimes();
    // [{ language: 'python', version: '3.9.4', aliases: ['py'] }, ...]

    const result = await client.execute('python', 'print("Hello World!")');
    // { language: 'python', version: '3.9.4', run: {
    //     stdout: 'Hello World!\n',
    //     stderr: '',
    //     code: 0,
    //     signal: null,
    //     output: 'Hello World!\n'
    // }}




import piston from "piston-client";
const client = piston({});

Creates a new client. Accepts an options object as its first argument.

  • server - The domain name of the Piston server to be used. Defaults to


import piston from "piston-client";
(async () => {
    const client = piston();
    const runtimes = await client.runtimes();

Returns an array of available runtimes. See Piston documentation for the runtimes endpoint.

client.execute(language, code, [config])

Execute arbitrary code for a given language. Additional, optional config can be passed in the third parameter.

import piston from "piston-client";
(async () => {
    const client = piston();
    const result = await client.execute('javascript', 'console.log("Hello world!")', { language: '3.9.4 '});
  • language - Expects a string of the language.
  • code - Expects a string of the code to execute.
  • config - Expects an object with additional config. See Piston documentation for the available config options.


To execute Piston with more fine-tuned control, pass in a config object as the first and only parameter.

import piston from "piston-client";
(async () => {
    const client = piston();
    const result = await client.execute({
        "language": "js",
        "version": "15.10.0",
        "files": [{
            "name": "my_cool_code.js",
            "content": "console.log(process.argv)"
        "stdin": "",
        "args": ["1", "2", "3"],
        "compileTimeout": 10000,
        "runTimeout": 3000,
        "compileMemoryLimit": -1,
        "runMemoryLimit": -1

See Piston documentation for the available options. The only difference is that the option are in camelCase as opposed to snake_case.

Error handling

Any error will return an object with the following signature:

{ success: false, error: Error }

No errors are thrown so wrapping in try / catch is unnecessary.
