Donovan Buck

Results 29 issues of Donovan Buck

The formulas are copied from Johnny-Five, so it should just work but just to be sure these devices need to be tested with actual hardware - [x] TMP36 - [...

Whether an LED can do PWM values depends on the IO it is driving. When a user instantiates an LED without specifying an IO, we assume it will be on...

The IOCP defines TCP Socket classes that can be used for this, and like the other classes, they are low level. When I've built things with J5 that interacted with...

See fn.timer.setInterval


I'm working on a project that requires getting down into stepper and I have a proposed addition. I want to be able to control the enable pin of a motor...

Not A Bug

Trying to use serial on the ESP8266. Using WiFi should leave pins 1 and 3 of Serial0 available for use correct?

@rwaldron pointed out that using step_type is confusing. If this property were intended to only differentiate between whole, half and micro stepping it would make sense, but we've engineered this...

Moved from ### My Scenario Using an Arduino Uno and softwareSerial I'm trying to connect to a device that runs at 115200 baud by default. I know the Uno...