Daniel Tavieres
Daniel Tavieres
magento/module-page-builder:2.2.5 doesn't exist or it isn't available.
Good morning same problem with magento 2.4.5 and magento/page-builder 1.7.2 Page Builder metapackage
Magento 2.4.5 uses page builder 1.7.2. no compatible with 2.2.3.
This is the problem,
Good morning, Any news about this issue? There is no way to downgrade in 2.4.5 to metapackage 1.7.1 and page-builder 2.2.2. thank you
Hello, Does anyone have any news or patch for this issue ? Thank you
Is there any update ? Thank you
Can you check this https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/35978