rack-dev-mark icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rack-dev-mark copied to clipboard

Show dev mark on development env

Results 3 rack-dev-mark issues
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This makes it thread-safe when used in threaded servers such as puma.

When I printed out page with left-bottom ribbon in development environment, ribbon is middle of page 2. How about hiding ribbon in css of `@media print`?

Happened warning log: `warning: Rack::Utils::HeaderHash is deprecated and will be removed in Rack 3.1, switch to Rack::Headers` in the [rack-dev-mark-0.7.11/lib/rack/dev-mark/middleware.rb:21](https://github.com/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark/blob/master/lib/rack/dev-mark/middleware.rb#L21C42-L21C42) when I update `rails 7.1.0` The Rack::Utils::HeaderHash was removed by...