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Use Youtube-Like ID in ActiveRecord seamlessly.

Results 7 acts_as_hashids issues
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## Summary This adds support for Ruby 3.0 and 3.1. It builds off of [this pull request]( ## Highlights 1. Fixes separation of positional arguments from keyword arguments in `ActsAsHashids::Core::ClassMethods#has_many`...

This adds support for rails versions 6.1 and 7.0

So we can set one environment variable secret for all the models?

This change allows the use of ruby 3.30

Description: Given class as below ```rb Class Base < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true acts_as_hashids length: 4 end class CoreFoo < Base has_many :core_bars end class CoreBar < Base belongs_to :core_foo...

This PR is to add support for Activerecord 7.1. Changes: - update runtime_dependency - update ga ci resolves #25

Ruby: 3.2.2 Rails: 7.1.3 act_as_hash_ids: 0.1.3 When relation have `has_many` relation it will throw this error, suspecting this have to do with Ruby 3 ```sh Failure/Error: has_many :users NoMethodError: undefined...