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Feature Request: Add API Gateway Support

Open ndcollins opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

I'd love to see support for API Gateway added, that keeps the relationships between API Gateway and whatever other AWS Services the endpoints may be proxying.

ndcollins avatar Sep 15 '16 13:09 ndcollins

Rooting for this request ..

alihalabyah avatar Jul 30 '17 10:07 alihalabyah

I am also rooting for this request! The AWS::ApiGateway resources I need for my stack are: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment AWS::ApiGateway::Account AWS::ApiGateway::Stage AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi AWS::ApiGateway::Method AWS::ApiGateway::Resource AWS::ApiGateway::Model.

I also need AWS::Lambda::Function AWS::Lambda::Permission

peter-t-kim avatar Feb 14 '19 21:02 peter-t-kim