Dave Täht

Results 317 comments of Dave Täht

Our configuration at equinix is setup like this, also, but we broke that in order to have 25Gbits for other traffic. I have thought about asking them for a dedicated...

I have not reviewed the code. Thank you for doing so. When we wrote cake we never imagined that anyone would use anything other than the integral shaper which automatically...

Would pulling from hostname be enough?

In looking this over again, getting the displays to be more meaningful javascript (colors and whatnot) needs to happen. @richb-hanover is good at graphs, perhaps he could pull the html...

Boy, plot.ly is nice: https://matplotlib.org/stable/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html

You will see something far more correct and less smoothed (The decay on the above delay plot hurts me), if you pull, compile, and install my babycake branch. https://github.com/dtaht/sch_cake/tree/babycake -...

I am far from convinced they are actually collecting drop stats from fqcodel or cake at all. Can you saturate a link (a udp flood will do, so would a...

I don't have a relationship with mikrotik, can you bug report this? Also, request ecn marks? seeing ever more of those... While I'm making feature requests in the wrong forum......

I am not sure if we are talking past each other or not. The simple queues feature leverages tbf + cake or fq_codel to do the shaping inbound or outbound...

The rb5009 looks really attractive! the ccr2xxxx even more so... Btw, I am unsure that a single iperf flow on a single box can crack 4Mbit in the first place,...