Dávid Szakállas
Dávid Szakállas
@sullivan- feel free to pick up this issue.
I stumbled into the same error message and found this issue. However in my case, the cause of the problem was that the token expired. :sweat_smile: Adding it here, in...
Seems like a valid use case. In order for this feature to be truly useful we need changes on the backend and UI as well, e.g. make that parameter searchable....
We need some metrics provided by that fork, but it look like it is abandoned, as important bugfixes are left unmerged (https://github.com/robinhood/airflow-prometheus-exporter/pull/25). Could we add the metrics provided by that...
@gabrielcsapo We have a fork of this lib which we are keeping up to date https://github.com/RisingStack/node-gcstats . We host binaries and use node-pre-gyp for automating the distribution of them. Currently...
Hi @Swiftb0y, with an ES7 compatible engine, we could remove all library dependencies except eventemitter. Eventemitter is not a large dependency, we could include it in the source code. Also,...
@Swiftb0y I am creating a new major release soon. It drops support for Mixxx
Hi, nothing required for this script, as I use arrow functions, and those are always bound to the enclosing `this`. (As a matter of fact, the arrows are transpiled to...
@googlebot I signed it!
A workaround for the time being: ```hcl resource "terraform_data" "owner" { triggers_replace = [ data.azuread_group.the_group.id, data.azuread_service_principal.the_user.id ] input = { group_id = data.azuread_group.the_group.id owner_id = data.azuread_service_principal.the_user.id } provisioner "local-exec" {...