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Symfony 2 Tutorial - Creating a blogging website []
Hi guys, I don't know what is going on, but I can't get to the website with the tutorial. If hosting is issue, I can help with that, have multiple...
On run of php bin/vendors makes it to: > Installing/Updating doctrine-fixtures > HEAD is now at b4213c2 Merge pull request #207 from TomasVotruba/patch-1 > Installing/Updating DoctrineFixturesBundle > Cloning into '/var/www/symblog/vendor//bundles/Symfony/Bundle/DoctrineFixturesBundle'......
replace BloggerBlogBundle:Comment:create {% render 'BloggerBlogBundle:Comment:create' with { 'blog_id': } %} with {% render controller('BloggerBlogBundle:Comment:new',{ 'blog_id': }) %}
hi i run php bin/vendors install and after adding github password a second time, there is an error, seem a repo is not found, check scree below. ![screen shot 2014-10-05...
In the user's profile when they click on mobile field to enter the mobile number, then numeric keypad should be displayed instead of text. When I use tel tag as...
I see the implementation of multi languages in your blog(Symblog). Could you please guide me how to implement it?
When I try to install vendors as per your instructions, few of the bundles are asking for account username and password. [doctrine-fixtures] git= [DoctrineFixturesBundle] git= target=/bundles/Symfony/Bundle/DoctrineFixturesBundle [doctrine-migrations] git= [DoctrineMigrationsBundle] git=
I just wanted to know if there is some way to run this symfony application on windows enviroment?
In that file the code looks like: ``` /** * @ORM\preUpdate */ public function setUpdatedValue() { $this->setUpdated(new \DateTime()); } ``` When it should look like this: /** \* @ORM\PreUpdate */...
Hi, I'm following your Symblog tutorial but i found some problems... When I define an entity without gets-sets methods and I try to do that with doctrine:generate:entities Blogger command, i...