Daniel Svensson

Results 55 issues of Daniel Svensson

Not really a good issue, but I'm not sure how to use this library to accomplish the following setup I'm using with RfCat: ```python d.setFreq(868000000) d.setMdmModulation(MOD_2FSK) d.setMdmChanSpc(40000) d.setMdmDeviatn(20000) d.setMdmNumPreamble(32) d.setMdmDRate(38391)...

Using gradle 7 with dependencycheck 6.1.5, the following exception is printed when running dependencyCheckAnalyze: ``` > Task :dependencyCheckAnalyze Could not register JMX bean. javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException: org.apache.commons.jcs:type=JCSAdminBean at java.management/com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Repository.addMBean(Repository.java:436) at java.management/com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerWithRepository(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:1855) at...

These are listed under Unknown in the report: ``` 994. Group: com.apollographql.apollo Name: apollo-api Version: 2.5.5 995. Group: com.apollographql.apollo Name: apollo-normalized-cache Version: 2.5.5 996. Group: com.apollographql.apollo Name: apollo-normalized-cache-api Version: 2.5.5...

The reporting gives me these under Unknown: ``` 948. Group: ru.gildor.knel Name: knel Version: 0.3 949. Group: ru.gildor.knel Name: knel-jvm Version: 0.3 ``` For: ``` dependencies { implementation("ru.gildor.knel:knel:0.3") } ```...

``` $ nix-shell release.nix -A grpc-haskell.env ... [nix-shell:~/gRPC-haskell]$ stack build --flag grpc-haskell:with-examples grpc-haskell-core- configure (lib) aeson-pretty-0.8.5: download insert-ordered-containers- download grpc-haskell-core- build (lib) aeson-pretty-0.8.5: configure aeson-pretty-0.8.5: build insert-ordered-containers- configure insert-ordered-containers- build...

Minimal test case to reproduce: Create two files, async.rb: ``` class Xmms::Collection::Async end ``` collection.c: ``` void Init_Collection() { mXmms = rb_define_module("Xmms"); cColl = rb_define_class_under(mXmms, "Collection", rb_cObject); /* Document-const: Xmms::Collection::NS_ALL...


Related to #199, when using absolute paths you need `-safe 0` before `-f concat` which is not possible today.

Subject says it all, when running tests with coverage, don't have the user browse around for the coverage report file every time.

A lot of the linters report the exact same warnings, so one typ-o might yield 5 warnings with the exact same string except for the trailing (...) which says which...