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[Management] manage XSD via JMX

Open dsukhoroslov opened this issue 8 years ago • 2 comments

  • add/delete XSDs via JMX (add already done!);
  • separate XSD handling in another Management interface?
  • use custom types from XSD;
  • store XSD as is on FS and load it before schema documents;
  • restore an ability to load many schemas (with imports) in one hit;
  • use registered XSDs for binding;
  • what about similar approach for JSON?

dsukhoroslov avatar Aug 01 '16 14:08 dsukhoroslov

  • can also use and turn on/off incoming document validation via XSD

dsukhoroslov avatar Nov 08 '16 10:11 dsukhoroslov

done schema handling via ContentModeler interface. XML/JSON schemas are processed currently.

dsukhoroslov avatar Aug 21 '17 23:08 dsukhoroslov