hadoop-cli copied to clipboard
HADOOP-CLI is an interactive command line shell that makes interacting with the Hadoop Distribted Filesystem (HDFS) simpler and more intuitive than the standard command-line tools that come with Hadoo...
I am unable to figure out how to point at a specific HDFS volume from the documentation associated with this project. I think it would simplify things to have a...
suggest add following cmd to beginning of script: [ $(whoami) = root ] || { echo "must be root"; exit 1; }
Getting the following errors when running hadoopcli command `/usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: 6: /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: [[: not found /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: 17: /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: [[: not found /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: 21: /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: [[: not found /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: 27: /usr/local/bin/hadoopcli: [[:...
It appears that if the umask on the server is not set to 022 the hadoopcli binary will not be visible over the link created by the setup.sh script. Would...
Support viewfs protocol at startup.