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A collection of python tools for extracting descriptors from images (whole and sub-image descriptors).


A collection of python tools for extracting descriptors from images (whole and sub-image descriptors). Specifically, a slightly modified version of Yang's sparse coding spatial pyramid matching (ScSPM) [1] and a way to reduce the dimensionality of these features.

Author: Daniel Steinberg

Date: 20 Feb 2013



[1] Yang, J.; Yu, K.; Gong, Y. & Huang, T. Linear spatial pyramid matching using sparse coding for image classification Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on, 2009, 1794-1801

[2] D. M. Steinberg, An Unsupervised Approach to Modelling Visual Data, PhD Thesis, 2013.

If you use this package please consider citing [2]


It's probably easiest to describe what this package can do by breaking down each sub-folder/package.


Actual classes for extracting descriptors/features from images. For instance, a modified versions of Yang et. al.'s sparse code spatial pyramid matching (ScSPM) [1] descriptor is implemented here. Also provided is an abstract base class for implementing new descriptor classes that work with the extractor model.


Routines for batch processing images for descriptor extraction. These routines call the classes in descriptors to actually extract the descriptors from the images. The extracted descriptors are then saved to individual binary pickled objects.


Various utilities used by the other modules. These include:

  • spatial pyramid pooling (with arbitrary pooling functions, e.g. max and mean)
  • dense grid patch extraction (image and SIFT patches)
  • training patch (image and SIFT) extraction from a list of images. Useful for training dictionaries.
  • patch centring and contrast normalisation.
  • image reading and resizing in a single routine.
  • a simple progress bar -- mainly included to remove some package dependencies


Unit tests for this package.

Dependencies and Installation

This package has the following dependencies:

System libraries, install these first (use apt-get for ubuntu):

  • libatlas-dev (spams)
  • libatlas-base-dev (spams)
  • libatlas3gf-base (spams)
  • libboost-python (pyvlfeat, this worked with v1.49 but not v1.53 on Ubuntu)
  • python-opencv (image reading and manipulation)

Common python libraries (probably pre-compiled/packaged for all OSes)

  • scipy
  • numpy
  • matplotlib (optional)

Manual install

  • spams (>=2.3)
  • pyvlfeat

Once all of these dependencies have been installed (this needs to be done manually), this package can simply be placed in your python path or you can use the with easy_install or pip.


For pyvlfeat I had to manually download this from pypi and change the entry:

LinkArgs = ['-msse', '-shared', '-lboost_python-mt-py26']


LinkArgs = ['-msse', '-shared', '-lboost_python-mt-py27']

Then I could install this using

sudo pip install [download diectory]

Also spams is a manual install:

  1. get the code from:
  2. install the libatlas dependencies
  3. sudo pip install [download dir]


Have a look at scripts\ for some usage examples, and how I would use the ScSPM descriptor. Typically a work flow consists of:

  1. Instantiating and training a descriptor object (e.g. ScSPM)
  2. Saving this object with pickle.
  3. Loading this descriptor object when a dataset needs to be processed.
  4. Calling an extractor routine with this descriptor object on a list of images.

Of course (2) and (3) are optional, but save unnecessary ScSPM dictionary training.


  • Re-write the python interface for vlfeat DSIFT (pyvlfeat is unmaintained)


  • Oscar Pizarro - for finding the occasional problem with the OMP code.