ts-morph copied to clipboard
`getDescendantAtStartWithWidth` does not work for reported diagnostic on exported functions
Describe the bug See the repro
Version: 20.0.0
To Reproduce
import { Project } from "ts-morph";
const project = new Project();
const inputCode = `namespace test {
export function addTwoNumbers(first: number, second: number) {
return first + second;
export function testBug() {
return test.addTwoNumbers(1);
project.createSourceFile("main.ts", inputCode);
const diagnostics = project.getPreEmitDiagnostics();
for (const d of diagnostics) {
const sourceFile = d.getSourceFile()!;
const start = d.getStart();
const length = d.getLength();
if (start && length) {
// This is undefined
const errorNode = sourceFile.getDescendantAtStartWithWidth(start, length);
console.log(`Error node text: ${errorNode.getText()}`);
Expected behavior
should not be undefined
Actual behavior
is undefined
If you remove export
from addTwoNumbers
, it works
Known workaround:
Use const errorNode = sourceFile.getDescendantAtPos(start);