pygeotools copied to clipboard
A collection of libraries and utilities for geospatial data processing/analysis
Hello, when I import the lib/geolib module, I get multiple errors of: `proj_create: Error -38: failed to load datum shift file` From looking at the code it seems like this...
See description here:
I have tried to execute this method `#Input DEM filenames dem_1970_fn = '../data/rainier/19700901_ned1_2003_adj_warp.tif' dem_2008_fn = '../data/rainier/20080901_rainierlidar_10m-adj.tif' dem_2015_fn = '../data/rainier/20150818_rainier_summer-tile-0.tif' dem_fn_list = [dem_1970_fn, dem_2008_fn, dem_2015_fn] ds_list = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn(dem_fn_list, res='min', extent='intersection', t_srs=dem_2008_fn)...
Reported by @jmichellehu, when we use the utility for processing in Fairbanks, the function [geolib.get_proj](, gives us a custom aea projection as `+proj=aea +lat_0=50 +lon_0=-154 +lat_1=55 +lat_2=65 +x_0=0 +y_0=0...