David Shean
David Shean
Just ran into this issue again, working with GeoDataFrame with a DateTimeIndex. Any more recent efforts to fix? The `explore` functionality is great, but this is unfortunate limitation.
Thanks @jmichellehu . Can you provide more infromation on the issues for the modis tile list? We just need an index of the modis tiles, which I downloaded and stored...
I have not encountered any issues with Mac M1 installs and latest GDAL. You could try a fresh conda environment install of python and required dependencies like GDAL. Then clone/pull...
Based on the output, it appears your DEM does not have a coordinate reference system defined. My guess is that your coordinates are in lat/lon and units of decimal degrees....
As I recall, this was a bug that was introduced last year in a previous version of GDAL/OGR, and it was fixed. If you upgrade GDAL (and pull latest version...
@HaoChenA, the error is actually coming from the `register_cmap` call. I just pushed a fix for this to the imview repo (https://github.com/dshean/imview/commit/0e2c51266e573f69ac15c9b7ef5cae4a9d69dce7). If you pull and install latest imview from...
The SWIG errors are related to a known issue with SWIG: https://github.com/swig/swig/issues/2638 It may be possible to mitigate with cleanup circular imports within the pygeotools and demcoreg repos (most of...
Now realizing this might not be repo for latest example notebooks. @scottyhq, maybe you can integrate wherever appropriate?
OK, thanks for the links. It's still an issue in the updated notebooks. Issue is: `index = gpd.pd.DatetimeIndex(items.dates(), name='time')` You're assuming all items have valid datasets. My case with a...
Thanks for the update @oleg-alexandrov! One correction - the WorldView-1 focal length is ~8000 mm (~8 m), WorldView-2 focal lengths is ~13000 mm (~13 m) and WorldView-3 focal length is...