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[Feature] Update scraper to work on Western Cape for district data
@cishiv you might be able to help
They look like pictures, I don't know if there's another source someone can post here to get scraper to work
@wgova not pictures actually html. So should be able to scrape them.
If you have the time please comment on #180
Along these lines, is there anybody willing to start collecting what data is available regarding the number of people screened by community health workers? (should this be a separate request?)
we should be able to scrape the western cape's dashboard. they seem to have established a fairly consistent format now.
hypothetically, if i develop a scraper, how should it work? is there someone who will host/run it? Are there other scrapers in this project?
hey @JemLukeBingham, maybe best to open a new issue.
@riazarbi Is it possible to get data directly from you guys.