Douglas Senalik
Douglas Senalik
Okay, it may be in the loader then. Can you supply a couple of genes from the fasta and gff3 files for us to test? But it may also be...
drupalver = 10.1 phpver = 8.2 This message has been edited to document how to install the field_group and field_group_table modules ``` cd /var/www/drupal composer require 'drupal/field_group:^3.4' composer...
My testing procedure - first build a new docker on Drupal 10.1 PHP 8.2 - Create an organism and an analysis - Import the test fasta file using "DNA" as...
There is a problem, I think in the widget ChadoSequenceCoordinatesWidgetDefault - hopefully I can fix this soon. I am new to Tripal Layout, but in theory it should support mRNA...
I want to document some additional problems I am finding 1. ChadoSequenceCoordinatesDefault field should be renamed to ChadoSequenceCoordinatesTypeDefault to follow the naming rules. But to do this an update function...
I have a suggestion for a temporary workaround, just remove the sequence coordinates field from the Gene (or mRNA) content types for now, and see if the other problems persist....
Notes for the issue of missing terms on chado columns, the following don't have terms defined (I think it may be time to make this a separate issue) * This...
I built a new docker on the 4.x branch just now, imported genomic content field types, and **deleted the sequence coordinates field**. I am not getting any errors. The first...
This is just a guess, but if you didn't already, can you try to re-publish the gene content type? at `/admin/content/bio_data/publish`
Looking at Tripal 3 it creates four "code" terms here in `tripal_chado/includes/` ``` //----------------------------- // NCBI Organism Property Terms //----------------------------- // TODO: these probably have real terms we can use....