David Sehnal

Results 234 comments of David Sehnal

This should work: ```ts plugin.canvas3d.setProps({ trackball: { animate: { name: 'spin', params: { speed: 1 } } } // or { name: 'off', params: { }} }); ```

If you do a canvas with transparent background and have a black background `div` underneath it, are the artifacts also visible like in your GIMP example?

Unfortunately, this EM module is part of a 3rd party library (react-markdown) so there isn't much we can do about this. The purpose of the `commonjs` build is to enable...

Perhaps https://stackoverflow.com/a/69781269 this could help? I never used nextjs, but I am pretty sure it supports import modules.

If you are doing custom things like this, just copy-paste the code that builds the preset and add customization params that you are after. This might include writing custom theme...

If your files are exposed via a URL and has CORS enabled, you can enter the URL along with the format in this menu: ![image](https://github.com/molstar/molstar/assets/21145776/aab1de06-a71b-4771-8358-b74bc6a110df)

> Should PPM be exponential to make it more use-friendly in UI? Or maybe we should add ParameterControl opion for that, @dsehnal? Can you be a little more specific please?

@arose the main use case for this was to enable https://channelsdb2.biodata.ceitec.cz/ and @vDusky already added the `DownloadTunnels` action to be able to set up the scene. Although, you are right...

How about adding a behavior that hides the default when something is focused? You can use `setSubtreeVisibility` for that.