David Sehnal
David Sehnal
Changing ``` Q.sequence(e.entity_id.toString(), e.struct_asym_id, {seqNumber: e.start_residue_number}, {seqNumber: e.end_residue_number}).compile(); ``` to ``` Q.sequence(e.entity_id.toString(), { authAsymId: e.struct_asym_id }, { authSeqNumber: e.start_residue_number}, { authSeqNumber: e.end_residue_number }).compile(); ``` should do the trick. Using ``undefined``...
The ones without auth prefix correspond to label_ prefixed columns in CIF files. The other correspond to auth_ prefixed ones.
This is because DensityServer (now) responds with a superset of the original query box and LiteMol currently does not do any post-processing of the received data and just displays the...
Hi Gabriel, LiteMol development has shifted to the [Mol* project](https://molstar.org). I recommend you try using that.
This is currently "by design" and I am aware of it. I know it's not optimal, but I will keep it in mind to fix it in next version.
Hi, it seems like your output doesn't contain the geometry of the channels. I don't remember it from the top of my head, but there is an option that adds...
I am sorry, but this is more involved than I have time to help with now so you will have to figure out things on your own. I no longer...
That version isn't available online and it won't help you achieve your goal. The purpose of the LiteMol demo was to show how to do some custom visualizations in LiteMol,...
What format do you need supported? It can read string data, but that is a very broad concept.
Maybe convert the file to PDB, CIF or SDF first?