David Sehnal
David Sehnal
Unfortunately, there is no "short" way to do this.
That's the one in the example.
Well, I would recommend you use TypeScript. But translation to JS isn't hard. You just remove the type annotations. You can also start with one of the examples and just...
Yes, the applyTransform is a Promise so you need to await it or ".then"
``colors`` needs to be a Map, not an object I think.
Yes, use the code I sent you originally from https://github.com/dsehnal/LiteMol/blob/master/examples/Commands/src/CustomTheme.ts :)
Cool. I don't mind.
And what would the expected behavior for NMR structure be? I see you are passing ``molecule: "1"`` to the theme but that value isn't used anywhere. If you want i-th...
And just showing the structure without the coloring works? The { modelIndex: 0 } is correct, I thought you want to show colors on different models. If it works on...
Hi, sorry for the late reply. If you click on the 2nd or 3rd 1st, are they colored correctly? Also, are you using "label" annotations as input? Because mmCif has...