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A powerful lightweight theme 🎨 manager for SwiftUI

Action Status MIT License

SwiftTheming 🎨 is a handy lightweight handy theme manager which handles multiple themes based on system-wide appearances - light and dark appearances and overrides the system appearance for the application.


this slowpoke moves

You can see the demo project in Example folder.

Motivation πŸŽ‰

Imagine that you want to achieve injecting multiple themes and managing them depending on the current system appearance or your preferred appearance. As SwiftUI does not come with the mechanism to manage different themes, you have to come up with it on your own. To me, I want to focus on other time-consuming stuff and don't want to spend on it. So, the idea to implement the handy mechanism for developers came to me and I eventually started crafting it. That was the becoming of SwiftTheming. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Using SwiftTheming, we can manage theme and system appearance as you desire without too much sweating. All you have to do is declare your themes with different colors, images, fonts and gradients. Pretty easy!

Requirements ⚠️

  • iOS 14+, macOS 11+, watchOS 7+, tvOS 14+

SwiftTheming is developed using Xcode 13.0. Make sure you are using Xcode 13 and above.

Installation πŸ› 

Using Swift Package Manager πŸ“¦

Add it as a dependency within your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/dscyrescotti/SwiftTheming.git", from: "1.1.1")

Using Cocoapods πŸ“¦

Add it inside your Podfile.

pod 'SwiftTheming', '~> 1.1.1'

Currently, SwiftTheming can be installed only via Swift Package Manager and Cocoapods.

Usage πŸ“‹

Defining multiple themes

To get started, you need to declare the abstraction layer of asset that may contain a group of colors, images, gradients and/or fonts. It will be injected into different themes that you create later.

struct Asset: Assetable {
    enum ColorAsset {
        case backgroundColor
        // more...
    enum ImageAsset { // more... }
    enum FontAsset { // more... }
    enum GradientAsset { // more... }

Now, we can start designating different themes based on the above asset.

class SampleTheme: Themed<Asset> {
    override func colorSet(for asset: Asset.ColorAsset) -> ColorSet {
        switch asset {
        case .backgroundColor:
            return ColorSet(light: Color.red, dark: Color.pink)
    override func imageSet(for asset: Asset.ImageAsset) -> ImageSet { // some stuff... }
    override func fontSet(for asset: Asset.FontAsset) -> FontSet { // some stuff... }
    override func gradientSet(for asset: Asset.GradientAsset) -> GradientSet { // some stuff... }

Make sure you override the above methods before you call. If not , you will end up with fatal error.

After you create multiple themes, it is time to list down all themes that you are going to use in app.

enum Theme: Themeable {
    case sampleTheme
    // more...
    func theme() -> Themed<Asset> {
        switch self {
        case .sampleTheme: return SampleTheme()
        // more...

Accessing theme provider across views

Yay! you are ready to use themes in your views. Let's get started to pass ThemeProvider across view hierarchy. Here you can set default theme and default appearance for first time running.

WindowGroup {
        .themeProviding(defaultTheme: Theme.sampleTheme, defaultAppearance: .system)

Now, you can access ThemeProvider via @ThemeProviding property wrapper inside any view so that you can easily use assets prepopulated by passing it.

struct ContentView: View {
    @ThemeProviding<Theme> var themeProvider
    var body: some View {
        Color(on: themeProvider, for: .backgroundColor)

Switching theme and appearance

You can change theme and appearance by callingsetTheme(with:)and setPreferredAppearance(with:)respectively.

Author πŸ–‹

Dscyre Scotti (@dscyrescotti)

Contributions πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

SwiftTheming 🎨 welcomes all developers to contribute if you have any idea to enhance and open an issue if you encounter any bug.

License πŸ“ƒ

SwiftTheming 🎨 is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.