sbt-quickfix copied to clipboard
Empty sbt.quickfix file generated despite error reported by sbt
I like the idea of this plugin very much, but haven't managed to get it to work. I followed the instructions and introduced an error into a scala file. I could see that the $project/target/quickfix/sbt.quickfix file was generated, but it was empty despite sbt telling me very clearly that I have an error in the file.
Some system information (please tell me if you need to know anything else):
- sbt 0.13.12
- java 1.8.0_102 (oracle)
- vim 8.0 with +clientserver
- sbt-plugin added to global sbt plugin conf
- sbt installVimPlugin executed successfully
I had the same problem, I just cloned the repository and published it locally (master). After that it worked perfectly.
I have a similar problem.
I followed the instructions
sbt compile
does not even generate a quick fix file
sbt test
generates an empty quick fix file
I do not know how to publish a repository locally, sounds time consuming.
I had similar issues getting sbt-quickfix to work.
The following helped me getting it to work:
Fixing Sbt-quickfix:
Like @AitorATuin explained clone the repo and publish it locally:
git clone
because I want to make sure this local version gets picked up, I had to update the version number.
In sbt-quickfix/build.sbt uncomment the line with the version number:
version := "0.4.1-LOCAL"
and in ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt use this new version number:
addSbtPlugin("com.dscleaver.sbt" % "sbt-quickfix" % "0.4.2-LOCAL")
now to publish it locally, run the following command inside of the sbt-quickfix dir
sbt publishLocal
Fixing vim servername:
I also got errors along the lines of
E247: no registered server named "GVIM": Send failed.
This is because I am not using gvim and gvim sets the servername to 'gvim' which allows all of this to work. I use vim from the terminal which does not set this servername. I solved this by adding this to my .bashrc:
alias vim='vim --servername gvim'
Neither fixes are very elegant hopefully @dscleaver could atleast fix the first problem. The second problem seems to be 'by design' on vim's end.
I see this too. I'm not sold this plugin actually works.