innoextract icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
innoextract copied to clipboard

File detect success but nothing extracted

Open huanghe2015 opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Files in the package were detected and operated successfully, but nothing was finally found. I paste the log here from Uniextract2, the same as the latest released EXE file. Download link:

2022-07-08 22:54:01:441	Checking permissions for path D:\常用软件\UniExtract\UniExtract.ini
2022-07-08 22:54:01:442	Using global settings
2022-07-08 22:54:01:442	Option: language = Chinese (Simplified)
2022-07-08 22:54:01:442	Option: batchqueue = .\batch.queue
2022-07-08 22:54:01:442	Option: filescanlogfile = .\log\filescan.txt
2022-07-08 22:54:01:442	Option: batchenabled = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: history = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: appendext = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: warnexecute = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: nostatusbox = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: hidestatusboxiffullscreen = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: openfolderafterextr = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: deletesourcefile = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: freespacecheck = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:443	Option: timeout = 60
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: keepoutputdir = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: keepopen = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: feedbackprompt = 2
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: log = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: checkgame = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: sendstats = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: extract = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: unicodecheck = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: extractvideotrack = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: silentmode = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: storeguiposition = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: cleanup = 1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: statusposx = -1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: statusposy = -1
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: addassocenabled = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: addassoc = 001,1,ace,arc,arj,bin,cab,cpio,cue,deb,dbx,gz,img,kgb,kge,lha,lit,lzh,lzo,pea,rpm,sit,uha,z
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: addassocallusers = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: topmost = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: updateinterval = 7
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: lastupdate = 2022/07/08
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: ID = 14B185FC3D807961A2F5017AD
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Option: nightlyupdates = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Program directory: D:\常用软件\UniExtract
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Finished loading preferences from file D:\常用软件\UniExtract\UniExtract.ini
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Starting Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC 3
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Creating main GUI
2022-07-08 22:54:01:444	Font scaling: height = 23, modifier = 0
2022-07-08 22:54:06:413	Searching for plugin iscab.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:06:413	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:08:723	Searching for plugin i5comp.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:09:143	Searching for plugin D:\常用软件\UniExtract\bin\Extractor.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:09:143	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:10:241	Searching for plugin ci-extractor.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:10:241	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:12:422	Searching for plugin bootimg.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:12:422	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:12:902	Searching for plugin arc_conv.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:13:641	Searching for plugin bootimg.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:13:642	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:14:003	Searching for plugin ci-extractor.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:14:003	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:14:923	Searching for plugin extsis.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:14:923	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:15:603	Searching for plugin dgcac.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:15:603	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:16:081	Searching for plugin extsis.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:16:082	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:16:551	Searching for plugin D:\常用软件\UniExtract\bin\Extractor.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:16:551	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:16:991	Searching for plugin i5comp.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:17:532	Searching for plugin iscab.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:17:532	Plugin not found
2022-07-08 22:54:20:491	Searching for plugin sim_unpacker.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:22:122	Searching for plugin umodel.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:23:401	Searching for plugin dcp_unpacker.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:24:101	Searching for plugin WolfDec.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:25:140	Searching for plugin WolfDec.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:38:020	Drag and drop action detected
2022-07-08 22:54:38:623	------------------------------------------------------------
2022-07-08 22:54:38:630	File size: 135 MB
2022-07-08 22:54:38:630	Output directory: D:\电脑软件\游戏\红警\CnCNet5_YR_Installer
2022-07-08 22:54:38:633	File name seems to be unicode
2022-07-08 22:54:38:633	Path seems to be unicode
2022-07-08 22:54:38:633	Renaming "CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe" to "C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe"
2022-07-08 22:54:39:183	Unicode file mode: 2
2022-07-08 22:54:39:183	Output directory seems to be unicode
2022-07-08 22:54:39:183	File seems to be executable
2022-07-08 22:54:39:183	Start file scan using Exeinfo PE
2022-07-08 22:54:43:371	Reading file D:\常用软件\UniExtract\log\exeinfo.log
2022-07-08 22:54:43:371	CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe - Inno Setup Module 5 SFX - [ v.(5.5.7) ] - Delphi 2009 - - *Mode : Lzma2

2022-07-08 22:54:43:841	Testing Inno Setup
2022-07-08 22:54:44:300	Executing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /c ""D:\常用软件\UniExtract\bin\innounp.exe" "C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe"
2022-07-08 22:54:44:640	; Version detected: 5507 (Unicode)
Compression used: lzma2
Files: 1414 ; Bytes: 276590754
Compiled Pascal script: 30287 byte(s)

2022-07-08 22:54:45:101	Starting inno extraction
2022-07-08 22:54:45:561	Executing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /c ""D:\常用软件\UniExtract\bin\innounp.exe" -x -m -a "C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe" 2>&1 | "D:\常用软件\UniExtract\bin\mtee.exe" "D:\常用软件\UniExtract\log\teelog.txt"
2022-07-08 22:54:45:561	           with options: showFlag = 6, initialShow = True, patternSearch = True, workingdir = C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer
2022-07-08 22:54:45:561	Searching for plugin D:\常用软件\UniExtract\bin\mtee.exe
2022-07-08 22:54:45:561	Pid: 5396
2022-07-08 22:54:45:583	Runtitle: 0
2022-07-08 22:54:48:511	User input needed
2022-07-08 22:54:49:511	User input needed
2022-07-08 22:54:51:882	User input needed
2022-07-08 22:54:52:722	User input needed
2022-07-08 22:55:18:603	Teelog:
; Version detected: 5507 (Unicode)
#1 {tmp}\idp.dll
Reading slice C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe
#2 {app}\clientupdt.dat
#3 {app}\CnCNetYRLauncher.exe
#4 {app}\expandspawn01.mix
#5 {app}\expandspawn02.mix
#6 {app}\qres.dat
#1407 {app}\Ra2.lcf
#1408 {app}\ra2md.lcf
#1409 {app}\yuri.lcf
#1410 {app}\wsock32.dll
#1411 {app}\ddraw.dll
#1412 {app}\ddraw.ini
#1413 {tmp}\wic_x86_enu.exe
#1414 embedded\License.txt
#1415 embedded\CompiledCode.bin
#1416 embedded\WizardImage0.bmp
#1417 embedded\WizardSmallImage0.bmp
#1418 embedded\english.isl
#1419 install_script.iss

2022-07-08 22:55:18:793	Cleanup: Deleting C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer\
2022-07-08 22:55:19:581	Moving files from C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer\{app} to C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer
2022-07-08 22:55:20:051	Extraction finished, success: 0
2022-07-08 22:55:20:051	Renaming unicode file
2022-07-08 22:55:20:523	Moving C:\Users\ZWB\AppData\Local\Temp\CnCNet5_YR_Installer to D:\电脑软件\游戏\红警\CnCNet5_YR_Installer
2022-07-08 22:55:20:611	Moving extracted files: True
2022-07-08 22:55:21:071	Terminating - Status: failed

huanghe2015 avatar Jul 08 '22 15:07 huanghe2015

innoextract does extract files in the app and tmp for your installer? What do you think is wrong? What relevance is Uniextract2 - that is not related to innoextract at all.

dscharrer avatar Jul 16 '22 07:07 dscharrer

Sorry for the ignorance of innounp used in Uniextract2, paste the log of innoextract's output.

D:\电脑软件\解压刻录>innoextract D:\电脑软件\游戏\红警\CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe
Extracting "CnCNet Yuri's Revenge" - setup data version 5.6.0 (unicode)
 - "tmp\idp.dll" [temp]
 - "app\clientupdt.dat"
 - "app\CnCNetYRLauncher.exe"
 - "app\expandspawn01.mix"
 - "app\expandspawn02.mix"
 - "app\Ra2.lcf"
 - "app\ra2md.lcf"
 - "app\yuri.lcf"
 - "app\wsock32.dll"
 - "tmp\wic_x86_enu.exe" [temp]

After giving the output directory, all works fine. But I think the default action in my mind is to extract files to a folder whose the name is same as the installer at the same dir. Can it be modified in the future?

huanghe2015 avatar Jul 16 '22 10:07 huanghe2015

Modifying the default action is not possible without breaking backwards compatibility. There are many scripts using innoextract that rely on the current behavior.

dscharrer avatar Aug 26 '23 15:08 dscharrer