xWindowsUpdate copied to clipboard
xWindowsUpdate does not reboot when exitcode indicates a reboot
Repro Steps
Get-Process -Name wmip* | Stop-Process -Force configuration foo { import-dscresource -modulename xwindowsupdate xHotFix bar { Path = 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/1/C/01CD1394-5649-4129-B284-A62F87E31E9E/Windows8.1-KB3013816-x64.msu' Id = '3013816' Ensure = 'Present' } } foo Start-DscConfiguration .\foo -Wait -Verbose -Force
If the update is not installed, installing the update will require an update. DSC should indicate a reboot is required
The resource does not indicate to dsc an reboot is required
I'm having the same issue with version 2.3.0 of the module. The server is not rebooted after the hotfix is applied. Logging in into the server I get the notification that the server requires a reboot because of an update.