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Error handling of SID translation and manual translation for Domain Controllers

Open canix1 opened this issue 7 years ago • 15 comments

Running the DC GPO setting against a DC will prompt you with errors regarding translating security ID. Troubleshooting turns out that a DC can't resolve S-1-5-90-0 ("Window Manager\Window Manager Group"). This piece of code introduce error handling plus a manual translation for the SID for "Window Manager\Window Manager Group".

This change is Reviewable

canix1 avatar Dec 14 '17 11:12 canix1

CLA assistant check
All CLA requirements met.

msftclas avatar Dec 14 '17 11:12 msftclas

Codecov Report

Merging #74 into dev will decrease coverage by <1%. The diff coverage is 40%.

Impacted file tree graph

@@        Coverage Diff        @@
##           dev   #74   +/-   ##
- Coverage   81%   80%   -1%     
  Files        5     5           
  Lines      417   420    +3     
  Hits       338   338           
- Misses      79    82    +3

codecov-io avatar Dec 14 '17 11:12 codecov-io

This needs to be merged...serious problem, causing DSC application to fail, and is referenced in other issues.

I would suggest perhaps resolving other SIDs locally as per

e.g. (version below includes more mappings)

try {
	$SID2 = $SID.trim('*')
	# try to resolve any built-in SIDs first
	#   from
	#   and
	switch -regex ($SID2) {
		'^S-1-0$'                    { 'Null Authority' }
		'^S-1-0-0$'                  { 'Nobody' }
		'^S-1-1$'                    { 'World Authority' }
		'^S-1-1-0$'                  { 'Everyone' }
		'^S-1-2$'                    { 'Local Authority' }
		'^S-1-2-0$'                  { 'Local' }
		'^S-1-2-1$'                  { 'Console Logon ' }
		'^S-1-3$'                    { 'Creator Authority' }
		'^S-1-3-0$'                  { 'Creator Owner' }
		'^S-1-3-1$'                  { 'Creator Group' }
		'^S-1-3-2$'                  { 'Creator Owner Server' }
		'^S-1-3-3$'                  { 'Creator Group Server' }
		'^S-1-3-4$'                  { 'Owner Rights' }
		'^S-1-4$'                    { 'Non-unique Authority' }
		'^S-1-5$'                    { 'NT Authority' }
		'^S-1-5-1$'                  { 'Dialup' }
		'^S-1-5-2$'                  { 'Network' }
		'^S-1-5-3$'                  { 'Batch' }
		'^S-1-5-4$'                  { 'Interactive' }
		'^S-1-5-6$'                  { 'Service' }
		'^S-1-5-7$'                  { 'Anonymous' }
		'^S-1-5-8$'                  { 'Proxy' }
		'^S-1-5-9$'                  { 'Enterprise Domain Controllers' }
		'^S-1-5-10$'                 { 'Principal Self' }
		'^S-1-5-11$'                 { 'Authenticated Users' }
		'^S-1-5-12$'                 { 'Restricted Code' }
		'^S-1-5-13$'                 { 'Terminal Server Users' }
		'^S-1-5-14$'                 { 'Remote Interactive Logon' }
		'^S-1-5-15$'                 { 'This Organization ' }
		'^S-1-5-17$'                 { 'This Organization ' }
		'^S-1-5-18$'                 { 'Local System' }
		'^S-1-5-19$'                 { 'NT Authority' }
		'^S-1-5-20$'                 { 'NT Authority' }
		'^S-1-5-80-0$'               { 'All Services' }
                '^S-1-5-90-0$'               { 'Window Manager\Window Manager Group' }
		'^S-1-5-113$'                { 'Local Accounts' }
		'^S-1-5-114$'                { 'Local Account Administrators' }
		'^S-1-5-1000$'               { 'Other Organisation' }
		'^S-1-15-2-1$'               { 'All Application Packages' }
		'^S-1-5-32-544$'             { 'BUILTIN\Administrators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-545$'             { 'BUILTIN\Users' }
		'^S-1-5-32-546$'             { 'BUILTIN\Guests' }
		'^S-1-5-32-547$'             { 'BUILTIN\Power Users' }
		'^S-1-5-32-548$'             { 'BUILTIN\Account Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-549$'             { 'BUILTIN\Server Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-550$'             { 'BUILTIN\Print Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-551$'             { 'BUILTIN\Backup Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-552$'             { 'BUILTIN\Replicators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-554$'             { 'BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access' }
		'^S-1-5-32-555$'             { 'BUILTIN\Remote Desktop Users' }
		'^S-1-5-32-556$'             { 'BUILTIN\Network Configuration Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-557$'             { 'BUILTIN\Incoming Forest Trust Builders' }
		'^S-1-5-32-558$'             { 'BUILTIN\Performance Monitor Users' }
		'^S-1-5-32-559$'             { 'BUILTIN\Performance Log Users' }
		'^S-1-5-32-560$'             { 'BUILTIN\Windows Authorization Access Group' }
		'^S-1-5-32-561$'             { 'BUILTIN\Terminal Server License Servers' }
		'^S-1-5-32-562$'             { 'BUILTIN\Distributed COM Users' }
		'^S-1-5-32-569$'             { 'BUILTIN\Cryptographic Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-573$'             { 'BUILTIN\Event Log Readers' }
		'^S-1-5-32-574$'             { 'BUILTIN\Certificate Service DCOM Access' }
		'^S-1-5-32-575$'             { 'BUILTIN\RDS Remote Access Servers' }
		'^S-1-5-32-576$'             { 'BUILTIN\RDS Endpoint Servers' }
		'^S-1-5-32-577$'             { 'BUILTIN\RDS Management Servers' }
		'^S-1-5-32-578$'             { 'BUILTIN\Hyper-V Administrators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-579$'             { 'BUILTIN\Access Control Assistance Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-32-580$'             { 'BUILTIN\Access Control Assistance Operators' }
		'^S-1-5-21-\d+-\d+-\d+-500$' { 'Administrator' }
		'^S-1-5-21-\d+-\d+-\d+-501$' { 'Guest' }
		default {
			$Obj = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID2))
			$Obj.Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
} catch {
	Write-Verbose "Invalid SID: $SID"

hackjammer avatar Dec 29 '17 08:12 hackjammer

Just ran into this issue. This happened for me when resolving a user from a different domain.

TraGicCode avatar Feb 24 '18 02:02 TraGicCode

@hackjammer is right. Looks like it's failing for me on resolving Built-In Account Sids like the "Administrators Group"

Here is the code that iterates through all of the privilege rights

            $returnValue = @{}
            $privilegeRights = $policyConfiguration.'Privilege Rights'
            foreach ($key in $privilegeRights.keys )
                $identity = ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity $($privilegeRights[$key] -split ",").Trim()
                $returnValue.Add( $key,$identity )                 

            $returnValue = $policyConfiguration 

And here is the example output of Sids that will get translated

[DBG]: PS C:\windows\system32>> $policyConfiguration.'Privilege Rights'

Name                           Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
----                           -----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
SeLoadDriverPrivilege           S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeImpersonatePrivilege          S-1-5-19,S-1-5-20,S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-568,S-1-5-6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
SeSystemtimePrivilege           S-1-5-19,S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
SeDelegateSessionUserImpers...  S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege        S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeShutdownPrivilege             S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-551                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
SeBackupPrivilege               S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-551                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight   S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-555                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege        S-1-5-19,S-1-5-20,S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-82-271721585-897601226-2024613209-625570482-296978595,S-1-5-82-3876422241-1344743610-1729199087-774402673-2621913236                                                                                                                               
SeSecurityPrivilege             S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeDebugPrivilege                S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeServiceLogonRight             S-1-5-21-329068152-1060284298-839522115-18738,S-1-5-21-329068152-1060284298-839522115-20114,S-1-5-80-0                                                                                                                                                                                  
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege   S-1-5-32-545                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivi...  S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeUndockPrivilege               S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeBatchLogonRight               S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-551,S-1-5-32-559,S-1-5-32-568                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
SeTimeZonePrivilege             S-1-5-19,S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
SeInteractiveLogonRight         S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-545,S-1-5-32-551                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege       S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeRestorePrivilege              S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-551                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
SeSystemProfilePrivilege        S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-80-3139157870-2983391045-3678747466-658725712-1809340420                                                                                                                                                                                                             
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege         S-1-5-19,S-1-5-20,S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege   S-1-5-19,S-1-5-20,S-1-5-82-271721585-897601226-2024613209-625570482-296978595,S-1-5-82-3876422241-1344743610-1729199087-774402673-2621913236                                                                                                                                            
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege       S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeNetworkLogonRight             S-1-1-0,S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-545,S-1-5-32-551                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
SeManageVolumePrivilege         S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeAuditPrivilege                S-1-5-19,S-1-5-20,S-1-5-82-271721585-897601226-2024613209-625570482-296978595,S-1-5-82-3876422241-1344743610-1729199087-774402673-2621913236                                                                                                                                            
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivi...  S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege   S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege    S-1-5-32-544                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege         S-1-1-0,S-1-5-19,S-1-5-20,S-1-5-32-544,S-1-5-32-545,S-1-5-32-551                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

TraGicCode avatar Feb 24 '18 02:02 TraGicCode

Reviewed 1 of 1 files at r1. Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, all discussions resolved, some commit checks failed.

DSCResources/SecurityPolicyResourceHelper/SecurityPolicyResourceHelper.psm1, line 341 at r1 (raw file):

            #Domain Controllers can't translate SID S-1-5-90-0
            if($id -match "S-1-5-90-0")

Running this I get the expected result without this change. In what scenario(s) does this fail to return the correct value?

PS > $id = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] 'S-1-5-90-0'
PS > $id.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])

Window Manager\Window Manager Group

Comments from Reviewable

johlju avatar May 18 '18 08:05 johlju

For reference: This changes is also partly implemented in PR #72, and being discussed in issue #78.

johlju avatar May 18 '18 08:05 johlju

Note: This PR continues the work from PR #72 by @rdbartram. PR #72 was closed in favor of this PR.

johlju avatar May 18 '18 08:05 johlju

This PR should probably be abandoned because the scenario when a machine cannot resolve "Window Manager\Window Manager Group" is when the group does not exist, such as Sever Core. On a server OS with a desktop it can translate the identity as expected. There are issues with identities that cannot be translated but I don't think this fits in that scenario.

jcwalker avatar May 18 '18 19:05 jcwalker

I suggest to keep this issue open until the problem has been resolved, either through this PR or through another PR.

johlju avatar May 21 '18 13:05 johlju

My PR #72 was not to do with nano server rather SIDs belonging to objects that no longer exist in AD. This extends also to SIDs that can't be resolved because the resolve is executed under an account that doesn't have access to resolve said SID. Think local user against domain, foreign domain, one way trust etc

rdbartram avatar May 21 '18 13:05 rdbartram

@rdbartram I think that is discussed in issue #78? If not, please make sure that is part of that discussion. 🙂

johlju avatar May 21 '18 14:05 johlju

Labeling this pull request (PR) as abandoned since it has gone 14 days or more since the last update. An abandoned PR can be continued by another contributor. The abandoned label will be removed if work on this PR is taken up again.

stale[bot] avatar Jun 12 '18 20:06 stale[bot]

@hackjammer can you give me an update on this problem?

Could you describe what you do to reproduce this issue?

gaelcolas avatar Mar 27 '19 08:03 gaelcolas

To my knowledge the issue with SID translation has been fixed with PR #97. This PR was opened to handle the absence of "Window Manager\Window Manager Group" which doesn't exist unless the Server has a desktop.

jcwalker avatar Apr 03 '19 18:04 jcwalker