wordpress.vim copied to clipboard
Syntax checking error
I have UltiSnips, YouCompleteMe, Syntastic & PHPComplete installed.
When I save a wordpress document I get this error
Error detected while processing function <SNR>49_BufWritePostHook[3]..<SNR>49_UpdateErrors[15]..<SNR>49_CacheErrors[35]..276[1]..275[23]..Syn
line 19:
E121: Undefined variable: args_before
E116: Invalid arguments for function 280
E15: Invalid expression: self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_before': args_before, 'args_after': '--report=csv' })
Error detected while processing function <SNR>49_BufWritePostHook[3]..<SNR>49_UpdateErrors[15]..<SNR>49_CacheErrors:
line 35:
E170: Missing :endfor
Error detected while processing function <SNR>49_BufWritePostHook[3]..<SNR>49_UpdateErrors:
line 15:
E171: Missing :endif
Any idea what is going on?
@GuerrillaCoder Can you post the changes that you have made for WordPress.vim in your ~/.vimrc
@dsawardekar This will be fixed when #35 is merged. Can you please merge that pull request?