It appears that you did not read my post completely - I addressed Append Results option in the description - that option is not for that purpose, but for clearing/leaving...
Not a problem at all - let me know if you need any extra info. P.S. Thanks for your work on this great extension!
Any updates on this? As I mentioned, this annoying bug makes VSC with matplotlib close to unusable. P.S. Can anyone comment on their experience using Atom with python (sklearn, scipy,...
Thanks for getting back. In case those other extension changes are not critical (no showstoppers, no nasty crashes, etc), I'd appreciate if you could put this issue on top of...
An ETA for this fix would be appreciated - thanks.
Related: https://github.com/DonJayamanne/vscodeJupyter/issues/88 P.S. Congrats on your new employment with MS Don!
@anongit - your workaround belongs to #105 and not here.
Don, would you mind fixing this at your earliest convenience? It's a tremendous time waster to all of us having to scroll every single time to see results. I'm sure...
@anongit VSCode should behave the way Atom editor is handling it and most other serious editors I'm sure - just auto-scroll to the end after appending results and that's one-liner....
Thanks @anongit I have not seen any update notifications in VSCode for Jupyter in a while - so this has not been released officially. I'm not sure why the silence...