
Results 58 comments of Brandon

Thanks for the visual. I believe its because wpf is not bubbling the event up to winforms. I'll see what I can do with that.

I found that its because the form doesn't pass the click even through to the taskbar. I have a fix for non transparent wpf controls but for transparency i'm not...

Thanks for the news. This is really interesting. I guess we'll just have to rely on microsoft's changes.

In version 3.1 I updated so transparency works properly. Context menu is still a bit of an issue though

Yeah, creating your own context menu is what I would recommend.

Haven't really played with wpf windows but I think they are a bit different. I know that winforms windows (Forms) work fine. I tried out the steps above and I...

If you change it so that you get the handle from `new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle` it will work.

No, I never got far in the investigation. Maybe I'll take another look someday

This is done by other deskbands but I am not sure how or what is missing