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Exact Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (NeurIPS 2019)

Results 10 learn2branch issues
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Hi, all, I want to ask that what the alternatives are for the function scip.Model.getState()? It seems that .getState() is an old-fashioned usage, and it is not available to see...

Hi, gasse! Recently,I am running your code on a MILP problem defined by myself. I find out the model: SVMRANK and GCNN do not work well on my problem.Do you...

Dear professor, Sorry for bothering. I got this error, ![截屏2021-02-08 下午7 10 45](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64518123/107193033-7f3caa00-6a42-11eb-86c7-87567e43862a.png) But I have install ecole via this, ![截屏2021-02-08 下午7 11 30](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64518123/107193044-8368c780-6a42-11eb-9441-95bf4ac1a839.png) Could you help me? How do...

Hello gasse, I have been read your paper very impressively. Currently, I am working on a task to solve the MILP problem of 100,000 by 100,000 sizes. Many attempts have...

Hi, I am running the codes on a combinatorial optimization problem defined by myself, which is similar to Capacitated Facility Location problem. However, the accuracy of the GCNN is low....


Hi, When I am running the codes in 03_train_gcnn.py there is a problem as following: **/root/miniconda3/envs/myenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/gradients_util.py:93: UserWarning: Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. This may consume...

hi,I downloaded soplex-release-401.tar.gz and tried installing soplex. When I execute Cmake S- B build DCMAKE_ INSTALL_ PREFIX=$SCIPOPTDIR An error occurred /Home/cc/download/oplex-release-401/src/soplex/spxgitash. cpp: 17:10: fatal error: soplex/git_ Hash.cpp: There is no...

How to load the trained gcnn model to solve a specific MILP problem? I mean, where should I put my constraints and objective?

Hi & goog day! I've serached through the codes and paper a little bit and am wondering whether it's possible to work on a variant of VRP and recieve the...

Hello, Thanks for your great work. I am currently trying to reproduce it and stuck with some problems about tensorflow. I have successfully generated training dataset for setcover and meet...