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Symmetry operator of -<
The operator -<
currently is not symmetrical, i.e. lacks its mirror operator >-
Two examples are provided below to demonstrate why it is useful.
The 1st one is the matrix addition.
Here is a possible solution:
;; 1 8 5
;; 3 4 3
;; 8 2 1
(define-flow D
(~> (-< (~> (== (* 1) (* 8) (* 5)) +)
(~> (== (* 3) (* 4) (* 3)) +)
(~> (== (* 8) (* 2) (* 1)) +))))
;; 9 4 2
;; 5 4 7
;; 8 4 7
(define-flow E
(~> (-< (~> (== (* 9) (* 4) (* 2)) +)
(~> (== (* 5) (* 4) (* 7)) +)
(~> (== (* 8) (* 4) (* 7)) +))))
(define-flow D+E
(~>> (-< (~> E ▽) (~> D ▽)) (map +)))
The D+E seems ugly, because we have to collect them into a list, but I would like to write it like the following, if possible:
(define-flow D+E
(~> (-< D E) (>- +)))
This example is inspired from Graphical Linear Algebra. In GLA, Pawel introduced a syntactic sugar called "m-wire". so the the string diagram of matrix addition can be simplified to:
Image from https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/qpl2015/slides/sobocinski-tutorial.pdf p.25
The 2nd comes from meru.rkt
(define-flow meru-step
(~>> (-< (~> (-< 0 _) ▽)
(~> (-< _ 0) ▽))
(map +) △))
Using the expected operator >-
, the solution would be more concise:
(define-flow meru-step
(~>> (-< (~> (-< 0 _))
(~> (-< _ 0)))
(>- +) △))
P.S. This issue has been discussed on Racket Discord and @countvajhula proposed a solution. Currently we could write the following macro to workaround it.
(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(define-qi-syntax-rule (-<> f ... ((~datum >-) comb))
(~>> (-< (~> f ▽) ...) (map comb)))
(define-flow D+E
(~> (-<> D E (>- +))))
More details see https://discord.com/channels/571040468092321801/979642553471221790/1182246331922780251
Hello @chansey97
I agree that the -<
operator should have a symmetric counterpart. In Qi, the values
we work with can be viewed categorically as product objects, which naturally have a dual concept: sum objects. Therefore, not only -<
, but other operators such as ><
, ==*
, fanout
, n>
, ⏚
, etc., that handle values
(product objects), should also have symmetric operators for handling covalues
(sum objects), like <>
, ==+
, fanin
, n<
, ≂
, etc.. Here is our previous discussion: https://github.com/drym-org/qi/issues/62#issuecomment-1204724194.
I’ve previously developed qi-cat, which implements these dual operators. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I haven’t been able to produce comprehensive documentation for it (I plan to address this when time permits).
To briefly introduce covalues
, it's essentially values
tagged with a natural number. For instance, (values 1 "a")
represents a value in Number × String
, whereas (covalues '(1 2) 0)
and (covalues '(a b) 1)
represent values in (Number × Number) + (Symbol × Symbol)
The -<
operator corresponds to the categorical concept of pairing. For example, given a : G -> X
and b : G -> Y
, then (-< a b) : G -> X × Y
The dual of -<
is >-
, known as copairing, which operates as follows: given a : X -> T
and b : Y -> T
, then (>- a b) : X + Y -> T
Btw @NoahStoryM , unrelated to the present issue but, we are gearing up to release Qi 4 which includes the optimizing compiler. One of the big changes with backwards compatibility implications is the change from matching datum literals (~datum
) to matching literals (~literal
). See Literally Causing Problems for more details on how this can affect applications. If you have time, you may want to test qi-cat
with the lets-write-a-qi-compiler
branch to see if it is affected (but you may want to wait until later today as we are hoping to merge a few PRs including First Optimizations). It would also be helpful in general to see if we've broken anything else!
Hi @countvajhula ,
I’ve tried lets-write-a-qi-compiler
and all the qi-cat
tests passed. I didn’t notice any issues.
Also, I read @chansey97’s code and I found an interesting way. It seems that we can perform a matrix-like transpose operation on the values
processed by qi
. For example, (~> (1 1 1) (-< D E))
results in (values 14 10 11 15 16 19)
, which we can view as a 3×2 matrix. If we transpose it, we get (values 14 15 10 16 11 19)
, and then we can use ><
, which can distribute input values (https://github.com/drym-org/qi/pull/64) , to get (values 29 26 30)
Here is the code:
#lang racket
(require qi/cat (for-syntax syntax/parse))
;; 1 8 5
;; 3 4 3
;; 8 2 1
(define-flow D
(~> (-< (~> (== (* 1) (* 8) (* 5)) +)
(~> (== (* 3) (* 4) (* 3)) +)
(~> (== (* 8) (* 2) (* 1)) +))))
;; 9 4 2
;; 5 4 7
;; 8 4 7
(define-flow E
(~> (-< (~> (== (* 9) (* 4) (* 2)) +)
(~> (== (* 5) (* 4) (* 7)) +)
(~> (== (* 8) (* 4) (* 7)) +))))
(define add (procedure-reduce-arity + 2))
(define-syntax for/values
[(_ (clause ...) body ...+)
#'(apply values (for/list (clause ...) body ...))]))
(define (transpose* m n)
(λ arg*
(define v* (list->vector arg*))
(for/values ([id (in-range (* m n))])
(define-values (j i) (quotient/remainder id n))
(vector-ref v* (+ (* i m) j)))))
(define-flow D+E (~> (-< D E) (transpose* 3 2) (>< add)))
And it's not hard to implement the dual operator transpose+
, which deals with covalues
By the way, for/values
seems to be very useful for qi
. Do you think it’s worth considering implementing it in qi?