mapbox-gl-draw-rotate-scale-rect-mode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mapbox-gl-draw-rotate-scale-rect-mode copied to clipboard

TxRectMode mapbox-gl-draw custom mode

This is the custom mapbox-gl-draw mode which allows to rotate and scale rectangle polygons.

Live demo is here

Demo gif


  • rotate/scale polygons
  • options to choose rotation pivot and scale center
  • discrete rotation whith SHIFT button pressed
  • demo how to transform image


npm install git+

Usage examples:

First, init MapboxDraw with TxRectMode and styling provided.

There is an example of styling in demo.js and icon set for scaling and rotation.

    import { TxRectMode, TxCenter } from 'mapbox-gl-draw-rotate-scale-rect-mode';
    const draw = new MapboxDraw({
        displayControlsDefault: false,
        controls: {

        modes: Object.assign({
            tx_poly: TxRectMode,
        }, MapboxDraw.modes),

        styles: drawStyle,

Second, create your rectangle polygon (with turf) and provide it's featureId to changeMode():

    const coordinates = [cUL,cUR,cLR,cLL,cUL];
    const poly = turf.polygon([coordinates]); = <unique id>;

    draw.changeMode('tx_poly', {
        featureId:, // required

changeMode('tx_poly', ...) accepts the following options:

  • rotatePivot - change rotation pivot to the middle of the opposite polygon side
  • scaleCenter - change scaling center to the opposite vertex
  • singleRotationPoint - set true to show only one rotation widget
  • rotationPointRadius - offset rotation point from feature perimeter
  • canScale - set false to disable scaling
  • canRotate - set false to disable rotation
  • canTrash - set false to disable feature delete
  • canSelectFeatures - set false to forbid exiting the mode
    draw.changeMode('tx_poly', {
        featureId:, // required
        canScale: false,
        canRotate: true,    // only rotation enabled
        canTrash: false,    // disable feature delete

        rotatePivot: TxCenter.Center,   // rotate around center
        scaleCenter: TxCenter.Opposite, // scale around opposite vertex
        singleRotationPoint: true, // only one rotation point
        rotationPointRadius: 1.2, // offset rotation point
        canSelectFeatures: true,

See how scaling and rotation around opposite side works:

Demo gif