flutter_sqlcipher copied to clipboard
Implement iOS platform support
At present, iOS is not supported. This may eventually be addressed going forward by bundling and wrapping FMDB which includes SQLCipher support.
iOS support would be awesome and a requirement for my project. Is this on your near term radar, or any idea how far down the road this is?
@doc-rj I haven't a personal requirement for iOS support at this time, in the apps I'm developing myself.
So, while iOS support would be great, as it stands it's something I'd look for the community to contribute and/or a company to sponsor the development of.
@artob Any idea how much effort the development would be for iOS support by wrapping FMDB? I've never developed a plugin, and I'm not familiar with FMDB.
@doc-rj I figure the initial development for the iOS version is likely to be on the order of a workweek or thereabouts.
Hi @artob
This is an awesome effort! Thank you.
What's the status on iOS implementation?
@iskandergaba Nothing new since the previous comments.
After some research. I've found out that some people forked sqlflite lib and changed dependencies to use zetetic.sqlcipher and FMDB/cipher. I'm learning right now about sending native code to flutter. But as I saw. With some effort we can migrate the classes and functions to flutter_sqlcipher.
The code is here: https://github.com/davidmartos96/sqflite_sqlcipher
Thank you for your efforts. Any new about IOS support?