Vince Knight
Vince Knight
Hi @varung97! Welcome to the project! Those are up for grabs so it would be great to have them in. If we can help please let us know. We have...
Hey @janga1997 sorry I saw this when I was busy and then it slipped my mind :) I've taken a quick look through the matlab files that I seem able...
> K31R seems to be implemented as GoByMajority. Yup: have added the tick :+1: Thanks.
Great, feel free to check them too (I believe anyone can?).
> I'm a newcomer and I'd like to work on this. I did some (admittedly superficial) research and couldn't find anything about the 'Analogy' strategy, so I'm going to follow...
You might have already looked through the documentation but if not this is the specific section on contributing with guidance on writing a strategy: :+1:
Hi @SplitInfinity :) > One of the four "modes" I described earlier is stochastic. I know that you can specify an RNG seed when writing a test case, but how...
Hi @SplitInfinity just checking how this is going? How do you feel your strategy compares to the description at That description is from Axelrod's first tournament and the Fortran...
It might be that we mark your strategy as `MoreGraaskamp` as it's based on the Fortran code from the second tournament. Axelrod's first tournament was written up in a paper...