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Taleo PHP Library using REST API.

Taleo PHP Library

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What is Taleo (from Wikipedia) ?

Taleo Corporation was a publicly traded provider of cloud-based talent management solutions headquartered in Dublin, California. Taleo's solutions are primarily centered around talent acquisition (recruitment), performance management, learning and development, and compensation management. These capabilities combine to provide what Taleo calls "Talent Intelligence" or an enhanced level of insight into candidates and employees. Taleo sells its products entirely via a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, in which all software and information resides in data centers operated and secured by Taleo. As of August 2011, Taleo reported it had more than 5,000 customers ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to large global enterprises, including nearly half of the Fortune 100. On February 9, 2012, Oracle Corporation entered into an agreement to acquire Taleo Corporation.

What is the Taleo PHP library

The Taleo PHP Library allow you to connect to the Taleo services using REST. It allows you to retrieve data but also create and alter existing data.


  • PHP >= 5.3.x
  • Composer, a dependency manager: http://getcomposer.org/
  • Guzzle, an HTTP client: http://guzzlephp.org/
  • Monolog, a logger: https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog


Taleo PHP Library is using composer (http://getcomposer.org/) to manage it's dependency. To get started, install composer, then run the command: "composer install". It will download the required library automatically and you'll be able to use Taleo PHP Library directly.


  • Where it all began: https://github.com/shoxty/Taleo/issues/1
  • Taleo REST API documentation: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/default-1841567.html
  • Forums: http://knowledgeexchange.taleo.com/


include_once './vendor/autoload.php';
use \Taleo\Main\Taleo as Taleo;

$user = '******';
$password = '******';
$company = '******';

 * Create the Taleo object with a valid user, password and company code.
$taleo = new Taleo($user, $password, $company);

// See the Monolog documentation to check which levels are available.
// By default, Taleo PHP Library doesn't log anything (log level set to ALERT)
// except ALERT, triggered by errors.
// If you change this to DEBUG, it will log almost everything.
// By default, the logfile is in the default PHP temporary directory,
// Under the name of "Taleo.log"
// You can use a second parameter to define the file to use.
// You can also use 'php://stdout' to debug quickly.
// Do not forget to disable the DEBUG level when in Production !
 * Optional: Set the log configuration.
 * To update the settings, you just have to call the method with
 * updated parameters.
 * @param int $level Logger level.
 *  \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG
 *  \Monolog\Logger::INFO
 *  \Monolog\Logger::WARNING
 *  \Monolog\Logger::ERROR
 *  \Monolog\Logger::CRITICAL
 *  \Monolog\Logger::ALERT
 * @param string $file Optional file.
 *  This can be a file or 'php://stdout'.
$taleo->setLogConfig(\Monolog\Logger::DEBUG, 'php://stdout');

 * Mandatory: Run the login procedure.

 * Optional: Update the logging configuration
$taleo->setLogConfig(\Monolog\Logger::DEBUG, 'php://stdout');

 * Requisitions
$response = $taleo->get('object/requisition/search', array('status' => 'open', 'cws' => 1))->json();
$response = $taleo->get('object/requisition/1189')->json();

 * Create a candidate
$response = $taleo->post(
    'candidate' =>
      'city' => 'Toontown',
      'country' => 'Be',
      'resumeText' => 'This is just a test using new TALEO API.',
      'email' => '[email protected]',
      'firstName' => 'Polo',
      'lastName' => "Dell'Aiera",
      'status' => 2,
      'middleInitial' => 'P',
      'cellPhone' => '0123456789',

 * Search a candidate
$response = $taleo->get('object/candidate/search', array('email' => '[email protected]'))->json();
$candid = $response['response']['searchResults'][0]['candidate']['candId'];

 * Update a candidate
$response = $taleo->put(
    'candidate' =>
      'firstName' => 'Pol',

 * Delete a candidate
$response = $taleo->delete(
  'object/candidate/' . $candid

 * Various
//$response = $taleo->get('object/info');

 * Optional: run the logout procedure


  • Providing more examples,
  • Fixing bugs.
  • Provides helpers functions,
  • Comment all the function \o/.


  • Will Robertson (@shoxty)