Ok why is this done does this makes sence or whata the background? So i mean the less throttle
@DzikuVx, is there a way to get a Compiler online version?
@DzikuVx, i know i dont know whata wrong the msp 2 Do Not realy work thats why i implent testing, But it also Do Not work and i cant find...
Yes i have generate a version which should work some body from betaflight supportrd the Main point that the Script works with msp2 But i cant get it working up...
Did Start here no Compile error alrady, but Lua Script says Waiting for API and I do not know how to debug both (lua and inav itself) https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav/pull/9528
It depends how you want to do it. For me in flight is not realy nice, I have do use so much buttons have to concentrate maybe something goes wrong...
I have same problem. I have Config 7.0.0 and Inav 7.0.0. Can only switch on 2 of 3: 
I have also a possible future for the airunit. Maybe it´s posible to switch off the vtx compleat on startup of the quad and have switch on the glasses to...
I have done it for X-Lite: https://github.com/druckgott/express_lrs_status_lua
The Function for CustomExport is not Availibe. If you set the Export with default value in js/main.js then you get an export, but it´s not the current version, it´s a...